It's so cool publishing your diary. Okay if you're Kevin Smith you can go a whole lot more intimate than I would feel comfortable with, like detailing each time you and your partner have sex etc. But I like writing something every day, keeps me limber, like exercising my writing muscle. Feels good. Plus I like the idea that all the friends I'm not able to keep in touch with because I'm SO damn busy all the time will at least know what I'm up to.
Oh and also a little while ago I pitched a book idea to a publisher in the US and they just got back to me now, a couple of months later, and said "am I still interested" and "would I like to take it to the next level". Wow it took all my restraint not to rip the guy's arm off while accepting. Now I have the prospect of a few months writing a book again, something I've not done for literally years. My last experience with writing a book was really bad.The book got cancelled along with a whole scad of others because the book imprint was one of a whole lot of imprints which were publishing books of the same sort. They decided to cancel half of the books they had coming up and mine was one of the ones that got canned. It couldn't have happened to me at a worse time, and I'd already spent all my free time trying to get this book done. Plus I was doing a really crap job because I was so tired, holding down two jobs and writing too. It was nuts.
Anyway, writing the diary is good practise and limber exercise for writing my screenplay and now my new book. I've said yes to the guy at the publishers and I'm now working on the proposal. I'll let you know, dear diary, how that goes. I'll also go back and edit this post and name names when it's all finalised.
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