Wednesday, January 18

Seventh day in a row teaching and frankly I need the day off I got tomorrow. I'll just be a technician tomorrow insteadof trying to do both teaching and tech at the same time, which frankly sucks monkey banana.

The video project is reaching a good state of readiness though, and all except the last group on Friday are pretty much aware of what they have to do for the project.

I have shown them the clips from the films and they seem to have mostly taken in what it is I'm trying to tell them. I forgot the whole week to bring in the "El Mariachi/Desperado" DVD which has the best 10 minute film school on it. I'll maybe take it in next week as a fallback teaching tool in our last week of prep, when we'll be looking at the camera, tapes and other stuff and trying it all out so they get a feel for what they'll be working with.

Maybe I should take a minute tomorrow and go over to Christchurch Studios and find out when the kit's going to be available. Hmm. Food for thought.

Mia was back when I got home and was asleep so I spent most of the evening reminding the kids to keep their voices down. She woke up around 9pm so we ate a little salmon terrine I bought, with a few cauliflower and broccoli florets we keep in the freezer. I had a cup of coffee from my new Espresso maker, and the coffee was New York Favourite from the San Fransisco Bay Premium Coffee Co. I added a little warmed milk which I frothed with a small milk whisk. Topped off with a little nutmeg. Yummy. Oh but the nutmeg was a bit old. Mental note, buy fresh nutmeg and cinnamon for my coffee.

A couple of new Nip/Tucks have downloaded so I guess we'll watch those before we go to bed.