Okay so my boss didn't fire me, he simply said I was first point of call on matters concerning the phone system, and I should just calm the frayed nerves of the complainers and explain that either they have to be patient or if we are out of time that they can't have what they are demanding from me. It's all good.

Had a really uncomfortable hour session with the dental hygenist this afternoon. Felt like she was not so much removing years of plaque and bad brushing as digging my teeth out by the roots. She showed me lots of really icky diagrams of what I've been doing to my teeth by not taking care of them. I'm all about dental hygiene now. I'll be buying myself a Braun mechanical toothbrush tomorrow. I don't want to go through that again in a hurry. She was sliding the damn plaque removing tool about half a centimetre under my gum line and scratching at the base of my teeth... argh. Not an easy sensation to forget. But worth every minute. My teeth are the best they've been for years. Alls I have to do is keep them that way.

Got home and walking into Hattie's room I knew something was wrong right away. There was a smell coming from the hamster's cage which I knew instinctively could not be good. Sure enough when Hattie tried to wake him up he was dead and had been for a few days I think. I reassured Hattie that it wasn't her fault. They are hardy little creatures and it wasn't any of her fault in taking care of him that was responsible for his demise. He was about 2 years old and they are not long lived animals and sometimes they just die. He had enough food and water and sure he could have used cleaning out but I've had some mice and hamsters in my time and left them dirty for weeks and not killed them. I mean nobody cleans them out in the wild, do they? No, this was sudden and unexplained. Nothing anyone could have done different.
We packed him in a little box, and Hat Ted and I went out into the garden and buried him under the tree. I asked Hattie if there was anything special she wanted to do. Hattie responded to this, and following her Wiccan beliefs made a little round wreath out of thyme and rosemary and tied a little sign on the tree, containing some words about remembrance. We observed a little moment of silence and respect, said our goodbyes,

shed a few little tears and took a deep breath then came inside. Hattie was still a bit broken up, I think she still blames herself, but there was nothing she could have done. She took well enough care of the little fella. It was just his time to go. Seems odd to be so emaotional about such a small animal but humans are odd. We get attached to things, animals and people. We miss em when they go. Simple fact of life. People are strange and beautiful creatures. Hatties tears of loss are terrible to see but I love that she feels enough to shed them.
So, anyway - here's to you, Chessie the hamster. Little bear. Dainty pawed friend of children. Good night and good rest. Sleep well.
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