Day Two... the Oxbow Incident
Today didn't go nearly as smoothly as yesterday, although I did end up being pretty productive.
I woke up at 7am because Hattie needed me to go get her some things for lunch today. Mia was still asleep beside me, which meant she had about 5-10 minutes before her bus to Bath left from outside the house. With the best will in the world she was either the going to miss the bus or break stuff trying to make it.... I said what the hell, I'll take her in.
Fortunately we had a SModcast to listen to, a hilarious podcast with Kevin Smith and Scott Mosier which they upload every week and is ALWAYS a hugely funny if a little scatalogical listen. That passed the time amiably, and we had a good trip. I ate breakfast in McDonalds which was dry and a little hard to swallow, especially as the coffee was NUKULAR hot. McDonalds is right next to PC World and Currys in Bath, so I did a little early morning shopping, buying a USB driven plasma lamp in PC World (which didn't work when I got home) and a pack of DV tapes to feed the movie camera in Currys.
I was going to film my journey back for the film, as it was a nice sunny morning. I'd grabbed the tripod and camera on my way out of the house but forgot the camera bag, and the bit between the camera and the tripod, the shoe, was on the other camera in the bag... d'oh!
When I got home I talked to McNulty on Skype for a while, then a guy I know called Mick Dunk came over to talk about me refreshing his web site I like Mick, he's an interesting guy. Had a nice time talking about life and managed to finish up by 3pm. Spent the afternoon talking to Brent on the phone recording a new Swashbuckler Epiphany, which I'll upload as soon as I edit and upload the last three. While I was talking to Brent on Skype Dr Gaz called from Wales and I called him back when I was done with the Swash.
The kids and Mia came home and I got into roasting some vegetables for dinner. We clipped and washed the dog on Monday night, and I noticed that there were some clumps of fur on the carpet that I hoovered. Dang it. I'll have to to do it again on Wednesday.
And that my friends was the day, busy but not entirely well structured or creatively productive, although I did salvage it later by recording a Swash. Better luck tomorrow.
Adios muchachas and muchachos.
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