Wednesday, January 25

Another teaching session. Initially this week I didn't think I was going to be doing any teaching. But it turns out I'm teaching pretty much every week four sessions a week.

Another class today and more Larry Jordan. I love Larry, he's so amiable and he puts this dry technical stuff over so quickly and easily.

Today went by so quickly I hardly remember what I did. Definitely something in the air. I feel energised and I have so many ideas. Plus I've been laughing more in the last few days more than I have for months. I guess I must be happy in my life. I reckon there's a lot to be said for planning to do something you love. Every since the movie has started planning I've been walking on air.

Writing is coming very easily. I've planned it so carefully that writing it is just an assembly job, and the relationships between the characters is all springing up through dialogue. I understand them all so well that it's just a case of putting them into a scene and letting them talk to each other. They say things that surprise me. The subconscious mind is a wonderful thing.

I have to push through the next bit because actually this part I'm writing at the moment is a bit sketchy in my plan. I'll have to write it to the end then go back and expand certain areas to mak it the right length. This is literally the most fun you can have standing up with your clothes on.