Monday, March 13

It was my mum's birthday and I forgot to phone her. As I'm always telling people, I'm a very poor friend, brother and son. I care, and I've got lots of heart, but I'm a total disorganised doofusmost of the time, easily distracted, and yet able to concentrate fully on one thing for hours. Aspberger's anyone? Runs in the family so I wouldn't be surprised.

Today's superconcentration marathon: Comic Life, a new bit of software for making comicbooks which ships with the new Apple MacBook Pros, but you can get from the manufacturer's web site for $25. It really rocks a lot. I've used all the comic book maker programs from Comicworks and everything else. I'm telling you right here and now, this is the best one ever. I made this comic page in about 15 minutes after downloading the software. It's really easy to use, and sorry PC folks it's only on the Mac at the moment. You can choose a bunch of layouts, frames you can drag your pictures into. Then you can add sound effects, captions and speech balloons. It's all too easy. Now the hardest bit of making comics is thinking up a story. It's like a word processor for comics.

You can get a 30 day trial of the program from Oh plus for Mac users there's all kinds of cool toys.

After work I rocked the laptop for a couple of hours then we watched some new episodes of "Stargate Atlantis".