Today was a blur of questions and answers. Costume wanted final fittings from the actors, camera crew wanted a definitive list of shots (to which I reply in the manner of Scooby Doo, "I-dwont-row") and Becca my 1st AD seemed to pull a coherent schedule out of thin air by overhearing what we were saying and making sense of it.
Simon came in again and sorted us out. Kinda makesme feel like a blundering amateur standing next to someone like Simon who has real professional filmmaking experience. I think of myself as a professional, but that's only really in the creative sense, not really the technical sense. I'm a producer and director not a lighting or camera technician. Fortunately, what's really going to make this happen is the people I have around me, "The Skeleton Crew", so called because while few in number they all of them do the work of ten people. I love them all and I want to adopt them.
More of that later.