Week Two of No Smokee
Yeah I'm back... been busy working. And working. And working.
Since the beginning of the month I've gotten a lot of freelance work. I'm ghostwriting some stuff for a fellow writer I've known for a long time, high profile stuff so can't really say what. But I heard someone praising his review of something the other day and realised halfway through that they were actually talking about me. :) That was cool.
Plus I have at least two other and maybe three other freelance blogging jobs. Which means of course I have no time or energy to blog my own life, cos I'm too busy blogging someone elses.
But still I reckon I can still manage a weekly update for those of you that are interested.
I've finally moved offices at BOVTS. From my mouldy rat infested hellhole next to the toilet has given way to a roomy ex-soldering lab at the front of the building. I have somewhere to hang my broken and fixed life mask of Grace Kelly. (see left) I can see out of a window! Heck, I now have room for all my crap! I'm now getting so much daylight it's positively unhealthy.
Oh and speaking of which, big news of the week - I quit smoking last week on Friday, which would be um... Friday the 13th October? Well, let's see how long I last. I got no problem with it at the moment, but the reason I kept smoking was because I enjoy it. I suppose if I could only do it sometimes then I'd still do it but at the moment I can't just do it once in a while. I have to do it all the time... so before I can be a social smoker I have to stop being an addicted one... I might have the odd cigar, cos I like those, but for the moment I REALLY have no need for the health problems or price of smoking 20 cheapo fags a day. I'm better than that.
I have had some health concerns over the last few weeks... I've still got this damn low level cold bug which is dragging the hell out of me. But underneath all that I just feel worn out. I'm on the verge of going to my doctor and getting him to sign me off for a few weeks. I really just need a few weeks lying still. I'm burned out, and not because of what's been going on this year, although that has been very challenging to say the least. It's what's been going on for the last 5 years.
I'm finally reaching some serious conclusions about my life. Where it's going, what I want to do and how I need to get there. So of course now would be the perfect time for all the stress I've accumulated over the last few years to crash and burn me. Hopefully it won't come to that...
It's hard to describe. Superficially I feel fine, especially now I gave up cigarettes. Every day I feel better, get a bit of my sense of smell back (not all good news there by the way - life stinks when you have a sense of smell) and get lung capacity back. But I'm kind of low grade nervous all the time, and I don't feel tired exactly but "under strain". I looked at the bottle of Kalms I've been eating lately and it's apparently good for periods of "nerve strain". Yep, that's what I got. If it was the '60s I would be going to the Doc and saying, "Doc, it's me nerves."
But "in myself", as they say, I feel good. Not James Brown good, just good. One of the main reasons I feel good in myself now is the work. I've probably got a freelance podcasting job, but I can't spare the time to go to France and talk to them about it, which is a cause for concern. I have a really good feeling about this job, like it could be my new day job... but I have to not lose the job through waiting around for the best time to do something about it. I have to strike when the iron is hot. All my best oppotunities happen when I do that.
Anyway more of all this later when I have the time. Meantime you can check out my lomohome. Yeah, I forgot about that. I mentioned it a while back in this blog... see it on http://www.lomohomes.com/snouty
(You know you can click on any of the pictures and see bigger versions, don't you? Just checking.)