And so on... oh and a giant bunny
Still feeling a bit run down. Nasty virus has laid everyone a little low, and members of staff at the school are now complaining of feeling "a bit crap".
We had a viewing today so we had the usual two days worth of cleaning and tidying effort for a total of five minutes viewing. (sigh) The woman looked impressed though, but it's hard to say. They are always complimentary when they are in the house, but I bet they say bad things about it when they leave.
Also for the last three days we've been trying to de-flea the house as we have a particularly nasty infestation. Dog and cat have been brushed and spot-on'ed and washed. All the linen in the house has been washed. Then we fumigated the house with nasty insecticide yesterday. Hopefully that's all of it. But I am whacked. I got to get some sleep. May have a snooze later.
Meanwhile, all my tiredness and woes are made better instantly because of two things: now I know there are Giant Bunnies in the world. Check it out. Click on the pic to see a bigger version.
Our killer bunny army will soon be complete. Mwah ha har!
And secondly, Virgin Galactic are selling tickets to space next year. I kid you not.