Managed to wake myself up too early again. Worked on my computer till everyone else got up. Ted had his friend Clifford around for the day, and they were pretty much out of our face most of the day. Hattie wants to have her friends Chloe and Laura round for a sleep over, which is fine because Mia is out for the evening in Bath with her group of Finnish girl friends for one of them, Tonya's, birthday.
Mia went out at about 5pm and the girls came over for the pyjama party around 6pm. Me and Ted went to ASDA to get them some snacks and pretzels etc. We put a few things for us to nurble on, but had to put some of them back (even the really tasty fresh made in the store Cherry Pie, DAMMIT) so we could get the essential supplies. We did have a couple of their filled toffee ring doughnuts, so we didn't lose out entirely.
I'm getting sick of this just squeaking by on the money I have. It'll all be sorted out next week when my money comes through. Then I'm making a special trip to buy the damn pie. Grr.
Me and Ted settled down to watch "War of the Worlds" which was pretty good actually. Nice chilly mood all the way through, like the characters are all scared out of their wits the whole time. Would have preferred a little more fireworks and heroics and a little less character development, but hey it's a new Spielberg movie and so it's kind of in my contract to watch it and like so... Then we debated what to watch next. All three "Back to the Future" movies? No, because Ted doesn't like the first one and I don't like the last one. Oh so easy, we watched the middle one. I fell asleep about a third of the way through, and Ted woke me when it was finished. He gave me a nice little cuddle and went off, and I spun the movie again to watch what I missed. And promptly fell asleep again and missed the whole thing, waking up when the credits music kicked in. Okay, it's not meant to be, let it go.
Really tired because the movies kept me from being totally asleep. Went downstairs to have a smoke and a cup tea. Then realised it was 1.30am and Mia wasn't home yet. Also realised I was getting hungry, so I made a couple of sandwiches,more tea, and after smoked another cigarette. I'm definitely awake now. Retired to watch something I know really well and fall asleep properly to it. Chose "An Evening with Kevin Smith", and promptly stayed totally awake till Mia got home at 2am. Then we watched a couple of CSIs, which usually send me right off to sleep, but instead Mia started snoring almost immediately and I watched three CSIs back to back, finally realising I'd had enough at about 4am. Went downstairs for a last ciggie by the back door, then a big drink of cream soda (yum) and then off to bed to read my book. Which I left downstairs, so instead I lay in the dark and tried to get to sleep, which I did eventually.